King’s Quest, Chapter IV: Snow Place Like Home
The Adventure Chills Out!
Rating: E
Release Date: September 27, 2016
Publisher: Sierra/Activision
Genre: Adventure/Narrative/Puzzle
King’s Quest, Chapter 4: Snow Place Like Home opens on the fateful night when King Graham and Queen Valanice’s infant child Alexander was stolen from them. When Alexander mysteriously returns home 18 years later, however, Graham must decide how to reconnect with the boy he’s spent a lifetime searching for. And as father and son work together to solve the towering challenges of the puzzling Ice Palace, questions linger about just what happened all those years ago.
A serious game of the year contender. 9.5/10
Chris Carter, Destructoid
The first episode of this new King’s Quest reboot is absolutely charming. Some of the best fun I’ve had with a videogame this year, and one of the best episodic titles I’ve played period. 9/10
Erik Kain, Forbes
The new King’s Quest is close to a perfect piece of family entertainment.
Chris Sullentrop, Kotaku